Atexos AI: Introduction

I’ve been working on a project for a few weeks now. And now, I have a demo ready

The idea

I’ve been working as a freelance for a few years now, and my main problem was finding customers. Despite my technical background, finding companies that could be interested in my work is challenging.

I need to identify leads, qualify them, contact them, etc.

So, as a developper, I started searching for solutions.

Solution 1: Lead generators

The websites do exist, and I’m sure they are really useful. But they do only one thing, generate a bunch of leads, without any informations.

It’s good. But I’m not some mega corp that can call 1000s of businesses a day and make a deal. Lead Generation Agency

A lead generation Agency.

Solution 2: Google

Looking through thousands of google pages, I’ve found it rather clunky and difficult to find good leads.

It’s cumbersome, time-consumming, not really worth it in the end.

Solution 3: Data

In France, we have something called the open data home page

The homepage of

It contains a lot of freshly (and not-so-freshly) updated datasets that would be rather interesting. Along with APIs from Google, you get a fairly valuable bundle of data.

I started working on a small scale app that would give me new business, with up-to-date data. I’ve told a friend about it that suggested making it a SaaS

The project

Let’s say you have a company making PPEs. You want new parteners to increase your revenues.

What if you could tell an AI

Find me new companies (opened less than two weeks ago) I could sell PPEs to.

The AI will then find those new companies, and make a report containing the list, as well as all data it could find. Be it public contracts, websites, contact informations, etc.

All of that on a neat dashboard.

The app

As I’m still working heavily on the app, the demo is not really public yet. But it’ll be by the end of April 2024.